frame4 NMALLOC FRAME40 FRAME32 frame1 FRAME2 FRAME3 frame5" frame6- FRAME7 FRAME8 FRAMEXC FRAME9N FRAME10Y FRAME11d FRAME12o FRAME13z FRAME14 FRAME15 FRAME16 FRAME17 FRAME18 FRAME19 FRAME20 FRAME21* FRAME22 FRAME23 FRAME24 FRAME25 FRAME26 FRAME27 FRAME28 FRAME29 FRAME30 FRAME315 FRAME33@ FRAME34K FRAME35V FRAME36a FRAME37l FRAME38w FRAME39 FRAME41 FRAME42 FRAME43 FRAME44 FRAME45 frame46 FRAME47 FRAME48R FRAME49Q FRAME50 FRAME51! FRAME52# FRAME53 frame54 FRAME55 FRAME56O FRAME57 FRAME58 PRINT1 title EPTINGA EPTING.ARCZ REG.BAT linesp LINES.QLB LINES.LIB EPTING.QLB TITLE.QLB EPTING.LIB; TITLE.LIB FRAMESA FRAMES.BAS.c FRAME title1$ title2- bottom leftW rightG HORIZONTAL| vertical LINES.o HORIZON program supplied routines Charge Charge. guess could donation] world Public Domaink Software where learned other contributors contributors. necessary files files. anyway vdemo vdemoCALL hlines VLINES LOCATE 7, 12: PRINT "Get Instant Boxes, Horizontal and Vertical Lines by calling" LOCATE 8, 12: PRINT "the suppl title F R A M E S" With FRAMES you can now make Boxes, Horizontal & Vertical" lines instantly any size, any shape, with simple ROUTINES" you CALL to your QB 4.xx programs. I have included all necessary files for you to compile routines to your own .EXE programs. Feel Free to use the routines in your own programs anyway" you wish. Read LINES.DOC & FRAMES.DOC for more information on how to call the various routines. There is a total of 57" FRAME routines and an unlimited number of Horizontal and Vertical routines available. Feel Free to share this program with your friends and" distribute this as you feel. The only requirement I make is" that FRAMES be distributed with all files in tact, as I" have distributed them, without MODIFICATION of any kind. The files in FRAMES.ARC are: REG.PRN, FRAMES.QLB, FRAMES.LIB FRAMES.BAS, LINES.DOC & FRAMES.DOC Source Code is available for both FRAMES and LINES by" filling out the Registration form you can print out included in the REG.BAT file. There is a $7.50 donation for the code, plus $2.50 for shipping and handling. (Not to bad, $10.00 if decide you want the Source Code, otherwise you can use the Routines FREE. You can't lose either way!) The Next screen lets you scan through the FRAMES," HORIZONTAL and VERTICAL LINE routines to get a taste of what borders you can use. Press ANY Key to continue ..." FRAME Box Routines Samples (c)1990 Hal Epting" 2,21,1,79S FRAME #1" FRAME # 2 FRAME # 3 FRAME # 4 FRAME # 5 FRAME # 6 FRAME # 7 FRAME # 8 FRAME # 9 FRAME # 10" FRAME # 11" FRAME # 12" FRAME # 13" FRAME # 14" FRAME # 15" FRAME # 16" FRAME # 17" FRAME # 18" FRAME # 19" FRAME # 20" FRAME # 21" FRAME # 22" FRAME # 23" FRAME # 24" FRAME # 25" FRAME # 26" FRAME # 27" FRAME # 28" FRAME # 29" FRAME # 30" FRAME # 31" FRAME # 32" FRAME # 33" FRAME # 34" FRAME # 35" FRAME # 36" FRAME # 37" FRAME # 38" FRAME # 39" FRAME # 40" FRAME # 41" FRAME # 42" FRAME # 43" FRAME # 44" FRAME # 45" FRAME # 46" FRAME # 47" FRAME # 48" FRAME # 49" FRAME # 50" FRAME # 51" FRAME # 52" FRAME # 53" FRAME # 54" FRAME # 55" FRAME # 56" FRAME # 57" 39 DO: LOOP WHILE INKEY$ = "": RETURN1 VIEW MENU" View H)orizontal Lines View V)ertical Lines View F)rames E)xit Program" Selection (L,F or E) ... H,V,F,E" Thanks for Trying FRAMES ... hlines top,left,right,ascii Sample of HORIZONTAL lines available using different ASCII codes." VLINES top%,bottom%,center%,ascii%0 Samples of VERTICAL Lines using different ASCII Codes.